“Christmas Chain” Studio Project

“Christmas Chain” Studio Project

A great idea from Joy Morin’s Color in My Piano Blog: Christmas Chain Piano Studio Project.  Adapted for Sonata Piano Studio.

The idea:
Every time a student completed a holiday song of their choosing they would sign a chain link and add it to the Christmas Chain.
” * Let’s see how long we can build the chain before January! * ”

The response:
The students loved it. Not only did it motivate my students to sight-read more music (some students played through their entire Christmas Book), but it was great for my students to actually see their accomplishments in physical form posted in the studio on that Chain. Students were only allowed to sign a new chain link once the song was properly learned – not just be able to play through it. It was also great to set a goal as a whole studio that both students and parents were aware of. We discussed it at the Christmas Recital and proudly kept it hanging for the remainder of 2015!
In total: 78 links were on there in less than 4 weeks! 

The preparation:
Materials needed: Red & Green Construction Paper, Stapler

Christmas Chain Christmas ChainChristmas Chain