Keyboard Pages

Keyboard Pages

Oh, September – the month of scales!

Most of my students who have been with me since Year 1 at Sonata Piano Studio are moving into Pre-Grade 1 and Grade 1 Conservatory Piano this year. This means that along with new repertoire, their technique needs to be brought up to speed as well.
As a teacher, I introduce the concept of scales way before Grade 1 piano, but for those who are still on the young side, I find that visual aids are the best way to introduce scales. Especially for the first time, the idea of thumb tucking and finger over finger can be confusing so I’ve created my own Keyboard Sheets.

Click the following link to get the Free PDF -> Keyboard Sheets by Miss Alyssa.

Not only are they affordable for a piano teacher as we can simply print from our own studio, but these sheets can be used for anything from scales, to triads, arpeggios, and more!

*A better trick for those students who are stingy about practicing scales – assign them in lesson to fill out the keys themselves! Or can they create their own funky scale? 🙂

Examples of Miss Alyssa's Keyboard Sheets for 2 octave scales

Examples of Miss Alyssa’s Keyboard Sheets for 2 octave scales

Examples of Miss Alyssa's Keyboard Sheets for 2 octave scales
Teacher Tip: Print these double-sided to get the most use out of them. I printed a large amount of copies at Staples in Black & White during their discount season to last me the whole school year!


Blog by:
Miss Alyssa


** 2018 Update: I’ve finally decided to put all my pre-made keyboard sheets up for sale, grouped by piano level. Check them out here: