Recital Rewards

Recital Rewards

As a teacher, having a successful 1st Annual End-of-Year Recital with your students is one of the most exciting and satisfying events for both the student and yourself. But what happens when it’s all over? The students return to the next lesson commenting on the fun recital night and parents now have cameras full of photos and videos of their children’s first piano performance. However, it is your job as a teacher to let your students know how much they have truly accomplished by completing their first public performance.

Making the Piano Recital Certificates Process Collage

Making the Piano Recital Certificates Process Collage

I’ve attached some photos of certificates I made up and handed out to each of my students. These “Certificates of Achievement” were a huge hit! It is something they can take home and proudly display – even earning them bragging rights.

It is also important to let the parents, as well as the students, know that performing music in front of a crowd of about 70 people is, in my opinion, a big deal. Most of my students were young beginners (between 5-8 years old) and getting them to experience that sense of performance and achievement at such a young age holds on them a tremendous impact that they will carry for the rest of their musical education years. Every student demonstrated new confidence and a sense of self-accomplishment when they walked back into my studio for their last lesson immediately following the recital. With their heads held higher and a bounce in their step, they felt like they could conquer the world; receiving their very first “Certificate of Achievement” was the icing on the cake!

The final product: Piano Recital Certificates 2013

The final product: Piano Recital Certificates 2013


You can tell your student how proud you are of them, but at their young age, I do believe that actually giving them a reward – something concrete they can take home with them – is a better way of instilling in them how big their accomplishment really is. Congratulations to all of my students for a job well done! Enjoy the certificates as well – they are proof of you piano success thus far!

Piano Recital Certificate 2013
On the certificate:
” Certificate of Achievement
for successful performance in
Sonata Piano Studio’s 1st Annual
Piano Recital
Presented to:
Teacher signed & Date signed ”